May the 4th promotions for small businesses

May the 4th Be with You: Galactic Promotions for Your Small Business

Are you ready to celebrate May the 4th in style and boost your small business to new galaxies of success? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of space-themed promotions guaranteed to make your customers feel like they’re soaring through the stars. With these stellar ideas, your business will be the talk of the universe!

two light sabers and a promotion icon. a text saying "May the 4th be with you"

May the 4th, a pun on the popular Star Wars phrase “May the Force be with you,” originated as a playful nod among Star Wars fans and has since evolved into an annual celebration of the beloved franchise. On this day, fans worldwide come together to commemorate the iconic characters, stories, and adventures that have captured the imaginations of generations. For small businesses, participating in May the 4th promotions presents a unique opportunity to engage with customers in a fun and memorable way. By tapping into the enthusiasm surrounding Star Wars Day, businesses can attract new customers, strengthen brand loyalty, and create a sense of community among fans. Whether offering special discounts, hosting themed events, or launching exclusive merchandise, May the 4th promotions allow businesses to showcase their creativity and connect with customers on a galactic level.

Lightsaber Discounts: Cutting Prices Like a Jedi Master

Channel your inner Jedi and offer lightsaber discounts on select products or services. Whether it’s 10% off for Padawans or 20% off for Jedi Masters, these irresistible deals will have customers flocking to your business faster than the Millennium Falcon making the Kessel Run.

Droid Giveaways: R2-D2 Approves of These Deals

What’s a space adventure without trusty droids by your side? Host a giveaway where customers have the chance to win their very own mini R2-D2 or BB-8. These adorable astromechs will delight fans and serve as walking advertisements for your business.

Cosmic Bundle: A Collection That’s Out of This World

Create a space-themed bundle featuring items that will please any galactic traveler. Think Star Wars-themed mugs, space-themed snacks, and galaxy-printed accessories. This out-of-this-world collection will have customers reaching for their wallets faster than you can say, “Chewie, we’re home. Here are a few bundle ideas with a space theme:

Office supplies galaxy themed


  1. “Cosmic Refreshment Bundle”:
    • Orbit gum (Orbiting Mint flavor)
    • Milky Way chocolate bars
    • Starburst candies
    • Astronaut ice cream
  2. “Galactic Office Supplies Bundle”:
    • Space-themed notebooks
    • Rocket-shaped pens
    • Starry sky mousepad
    • UFO paper clips
  3. “Stellar Snack Pack”:
    • Comet-shaped cheese crackers
    • Moon pies
    • Galaxy popcorn
    • Space-themed energy drinks
  4. “Interstellar Beauty Kit”:
    • Galaxy-themed nail polish set
    • Cosmic bath bombs
    • Star-shaped hair clips
    • Meteorite-inspired eyeshadow palette
  5. “Out-of-This-World Fitness Pack”:
    • Planet-shaped stress balls
    • Rocket water bottle
    • Starry yoga mat
    • Supernova protein bars

These bundles can be easily assembled with readily available items, and their space-themed elements add a fun twist that customers will enjoy.

The Force Is Strong with Social Media: Marketing Tips for May the 4th

Use the power of the Force to amplify your promotions on social media. Share Star Wars memes, run contests for the best Darth Vader impression, and engage with your audience using space-themed polls and quizzes. With the right strategy, your posts will spread across the galaxy faster than the plans for the Death Star.

Remember, the key to a successful May the 4th promotion is to embrace the spirit of Star Wars and have fun with it. May the force be with you as you embark on this cosmic marketing adventure!

And don’t forget about our exclusive Cosmic Bundle – the perfect way to treat yourself or the Star Wars fan in your life. With goodies sourced from across the galaxy, it’s a deal too good to pass up. Grab yours today, and may the 4th be with you!

Spar Your Unique Opportunities and Ignite Your Marketing

Take the first step by scheduling a complimentary 15-minute fit call with us at Calendly. Let’s delve into how our small business marketing agency, backed by over 25 years of expertise, can streamline and optimize your marketing efforts, elevate your business, and propel you toward your digital marketing goals. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your business—book your call now!

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