How Much To Post On Social Media

When you’re writing up a plan for your social media accounts, you’ll need to have a schedule or an idea of what to follow. We’re going to go over a few guidelines to follow when creating your social media calendar for your business, specifically focusing on Facebook.

When Should I Be Posting?

Let’s get started with how often during a seven day week that you should be posting. We’d like to think each business has their best times to post, but we’ll give general guidelines to follow. Ideally, during the week, you should be posting a minimum of three times a week. Three times a week is a good place to start if you’re unsure of how often your fans want to see your posts, yet it’s not too little that you’ll be forgotten about.

If you want to post more than three times a week, go for it! The more you post, the more content you’ll have for your fans to look at when they visit your page. This is where it can get a bit tricky, though. You don’t want to post so much that it begins to annoy your customers. We all know that certain page we follow who posts so often, it seems we don’t see anything but them. We usually unfollow or unlike those pages, and we don’t want to happen to you!

What Time Of Day Is Best To Post?

Here’s where it will get a bit vague. When we’re talking about what time of day to post, this varies from page to page. You can find the exact times you get the most engagement on Facebook under the Insights tab. It’s best to keep these in mind, but we’ve also found a few other times that usually get some interaction from fans.

  • 7 AM – 9 AM: In this block of time, people are just waking up and getting started with their day. What is the first thing a person usually grabs for when they wake up? A cellphone. Facebook is among one of the first things most people check upon unlocking their phones, so posting around this time is a safe bet.
  • 11 AM – 1 PM: This is lunch time for most people. What do you do while eating lunch? More than likely, you’re checking your social media accounts. This is another great time to post.
  • 7 PM – 9 PM: Just like when you wake up, you check your phone and social media before hitting the hay. This is a good time for those who are just relaxing and have nothing else to do but scroll through their newsfeed!

It Always Varies

Of course, as with anything in life, you’re taking a chance with these times. Try them out, see how you like posting at certain times. Mix up the times you post as well. Don’t always post at 8 AM sharp. Vary it up and see what works best for your page and when you get the most engagement. And as always, if you don’t want to take the burden of social media, we’re here to help you! We can make it easier to manage the ever-changing world of social media by staying on top of the newest trends and updates.

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